Booking Agents
CFM/AFM-Franchised Booking Agents are signatories to the CFM/AFM’s Booking Agent Agreement. They act as the “sales force” for CFM/AFM members in the US and Canada. Purchasers are provided with legitimate agreements, members are provided with protection of their earnings, and the Agents earn commissions for their sales.
These agreements are comprehensive contracts which stand up in court, if need be, and obligate the parties – the purchaser is obligated to pay the stipulated price, and the respective musician(s) are obligated to perform the services described in the agreement.
CFM/AFM Booking Agents in British Columbia (listed alphabetically):
Phone: (778) 855-1356 | Email: [email protected]
Noteable Entertainment and Events Ltd.
Phone: (604) 468-2911 | Email: [email protected]
Phone: (604) 734-5945 | Email: [email protected]
Total Entertainment Network B.C. Ltd.
Phone: (604) 385-3457 | Email: [email protected]
Phone: (604) 266-7145 | Email: [email protected]
For more information, please visit the CFM website's Booking Agent area.